We're working with a number of partners to improve the capabilities offered by JBossESB. These include:
Hattrick Software is working with us on adding Process Governance capabilities to JBossESB through the Overlord project. "Project Overlord is an exciting SOA goverance intitaive from Redhat / JBoss. Hattrick Software is pleased to contribute to this project by leveraging its WS-CDL capabilities to provide the semantics linking Design Time with Run Time behavioural governance. By establishing this link, it becomes possible to ensure the formal alignment between the required business processes and the SOA implementation and to continuously monitor the SOA implementation against the WS-CDL description of the required process."

LegSem contributes to JBossESB by developing the LegStar for JBoss ESB product. LegStar for JBossESB is a unique solution for Mainframe integration. It is open source and specifically tailored to JBossESB. The project's objective is to promote an ESB-centric vision of Mainframe integration where the ESB manages all transformation processes, including Mainframe to Java, Mainframe to XML conversions and vice versa. By leveraging JBossESB's powerful integration capabilities and scalable architecture, LegStar for JBossESB offers the Java community a productive and robust alternative for Mainframe integration.

eSigma is working with Redhat to deliver an Enterprise-Class, Open Source, UDDI v3 Registry that will allow organizations to catalog and share services. UDDI is a standard that provides an interface to store information related to Web Services and their providers. The UDDI Registry is an integral component to an ESB as it serves as the storage mechanism for the service endpoints.